Author name: jtbadmin

Banner image of the blog on the topic, 5 Event Trends to Implement in 2024 for Your Event Success

5 Event Trends to Implement in 2024 for Your Event Success

Nowadays, staying updated with current event trends is crucial for event planners and organisers to remain competitive and deliver memorable experiences. The events industry has experienced rapid evolution in recent years, driven by advancements in technology, shifts in consumer preferences and the emergence of new event formats. As a result, understanding and embracing the latest trends in event management has become essential for success.

95% of marketers believe that in-person events can help achieve business goals. This highlights that from virtual and hybrid events to sustainability initiatives and personalised experiences, trends shape the way events are planned, executed and experienced by attendees.

In this blog, we’ll delve into the current event trends reshaping the event management industry and explore how event planners can leverage these trends to create impactful and memorable events. By understanding and incorporating these trends into event strategies, organisers can stay ahead of the curve and deliver exceptional events that resonate with attendees. Let’s explore the current trends in event management and their implications for the industry’s future.

Event Trend #1: Personalization

An image showing the first trend in event management about creating personalised events

Who doesn’t love walking into an event where everything feels just right and everyone connects effortlessly?

Personalising events is a classic trend in event management that’s universally loved. It’s all about crafting experiences that truly matter and engage attendees. Event planners are increasingly honing in on tailoring event content, schedules and networking opportunities to match each attendee’s preferences, interests and demographics.

According to a report by Cvent, 59% globally said they would like to receive recommendations on sessions to attend based on their interests and past attendance. This underscores the growing emphasis placed on creating customised event experiences. By leveraging attendee data and preferences, organisers can deliver tailored content and recommendations that resonate with each attendee on a personal level.

There are several tools and tactics available for implementing personalised event strategies. Event management platforms equipped with robust attendee profiling and segmentation capabilities enable organisers to collect and analyse data to understand attendee preferences better. 

From personalised agendas and session recommendations to curated networking opportunities and content recommendations, these platforms empower organisers to create truly personalised experiences for each attendee. JTB India is an expert in strategic meetings management and corporate event planning and excels in delivering personalised event experiences tailored to the unique requirements of each client. 

Leveraging its expertise in event management and strategic planning, JTB India helps organisations create bespoke events that resonate with attendees and drive meaningful engagement. With a focus on innovation and excellence, JTB India is committed to elevating the corporate event experience through personalised strategies and flawless execution.

Event Trend #2: Sustainability Initiatives

An image showing event trend 2 sustainability initiatives in event management

Sustainability is now a top priority in event planning, driven by the need to minimise environmental impact. Event organisers are increasingly adopting eco-friendly practices to reduce waste and promote sustainability.

For example, virtual events have been shown to drastically cut carbon emissions, with estimates suggesting a reduction of up to 99%. This demonstrates the significant environmental benefits of embracing virtual and hybrid event formats.

To implement sustainability initiatives, organisers can focus on reducing single-use plastics, implementing recycling programs, and using digital technologies to minimise paper usage. JTB India leads the way in promoting sustainability in event planning. They help organisations adopt eco-friendly practices, from selecting sustainable venues to reducing waste. Partnering with JTB India allows organisations to showcase their commitment to sustainability while hosting impactful and environmentally conscious events.

Event Trend #3: Hybrid Event Management: The Future of Events

An image showing the third event trend about hybrid event management, the future of events

Hybrid events revolutionise event planning by blending physical and virtual elements for dynamic experiences. Attendees enjoy the flexibility to join in person or online, boosting engagement and accessibility.

These events are gaining traction for their ability to cater to diverse preferences and overcome logistical challenges. 92% of event professionals plan to incorporate virtual elements into their future events, highlighting the growing popularity and significance of hybrid event management. Major businesses like Apple and Google have successfully adopted hybrid approaches for product launches and conferences, combining the best of both worlds.

While virtual components offer convenience, in-person interactions remain vital for deeper engagement and networking. Data reveals that 86% of event programs include in-person events, and 89% of event leaders see them as crucial for revenue.

Hybrid events are reshaping event management, offering scalability and impactful experiences to a global audience. Let’s now delve into the trend of global events to understand their significance in shaping the industry’s future.

Event Trend #4: Embracing Cultural Diversity in Global Events

An image showing the fourth event trend in event management, embracing in-person global event

More than half of people prefer attending a hybrid event in person rather than virtually. In today’s world, global events bring people from all over, to celebrate different cultures. Event planners need to recognize this diversity to make everyone feel included.

There are different ways to include cultural elements in events, like music, dance, or food from different cultures. This makes the event more interesting and enjoyable for everyone.

When organisers embrace cultural diversity, they create experiences that connect with people on a deeper level. JTB India can help with this. With its big network and lots of event services, JTB India is great at helping organisations include cultural diversity in their events.

JTB India has connections to over 10,000 hotels worldwide, so they can find the perfect venue for any event. Plus, their platform, JTB Connect, makes it easy to add cultural elements to events, making them unforgettable for people from all over the world.

With JTB India’s help, organisations can make sure their events are meaningful and enjoyable for everyone, no matter where they’re from.

An image showing the CTA to create exceptional corporate events and meetings with JTB India

Event Trend #5: Data-Driven Decision Making

An image showing event trend number 5, data-driven decision-making

Data analytics is super important in event planning.  The global event management software market was worth about USD 6.97 billion by the end of 2022. That’s a big number! And as per a report by Grand View Research it’s expected to keep growing at 12.5% every year by 2030. Why? Because people want data-driven insights more and more.

Using data from attendees helps event planners make better decisions. They can make the event experience more personal for everyone. With data, planners can improve lots of things, like how they advertise, plan sessions, and use resources.

For example, if they see attendees like certain types of sessions, they can schedule more of those. And if they know what attendees want, they can set up the venue in a way that makes them happy. This makes attendees enjoy the event more and helps the organisers meet their goals.

Through JTB Connect, event planners can gather real-time data on attendee interactions, track key performance indicators, and measure ROI. This comprehensive approach enables organisations to make informed decisions at every stage of the event lifecycle, driving success and innovation in the industry.


Staying updated with current event trends is crucial for driving success in 2024 and beyond. The events industry is evolving rapidly, and embracing innovative trends is essential to stay ahead of the curve. By incorporating trends like personalization, sustainability, hybrid event management, cultural diversity, and data-driven decision-making, event planners can create memorable experiences that resonate with attendees and drive meaningful outcomes.

At JTB India, we understand the importance of staying ahead of the curve in event management. With our innovative solutions and global network of partners, we empower organisers to execute successful events that leave a lasting impression. Whether you’re planning a corporate conference, trade show or virtual summit, our team is here to support you at every step of the way.

An image showing the CTA to create exceptional corporate events and meetings with JTB India

The banner image of the blog on the topic Harness Event Data Analytics for Success with Data-Driven Insights

Harness Event Data Analytics for Success with Data-Driven Insights

Using event data analytics in event management has become vital for driving success by offering valuable insights into attendee behaviour and preferences. Moreover, event planners increasingly acknowledge the pivotal role of data-driven insights in orchestrating successful events.

But how exactly can leveraging data analytics benefit them?

By harnessing analytics, planners can optimise every aspect of their event planning and execution. Additionally, JTB India, renowned for innovative event management solutions, offers JTB Connect, a modern technology platform. This tool empowers planners with robust data analytics capabilities, enabling them to enhance attendee experiences, increase ROI, and achieve event objectives with precision.

However, do you know how to collect the data at your event? How to analyse it? 

Let’s dive in and understand what data analytics in event management entails, the key benefits of data-driven insights for events, types of event data analytics, measure event success metrics and best practices for harnessing analytics in event management to drive your business success and innovation in the event industry.

What is Event Data Analytics?

Event data analytics refers to the systematic process of gathering, analysing, and interpreting data derived from various facets of an event. This data encompasses a wide range of metrics, including attendee interactions, engagement levels, feedback and preferences. 

By harnessing the power of data analytics, organisers can optimise every aspect of their event planning and execution. From venue selection to marketing strategies and attendee engagement initiatives, data-driven insights enable organisers to make informed choices that enhance the overall event experience. 

For example, analysing registration data can help identify popular sessions or topics, allowing planners to allocate resources effectively.

Furthermore, event data analytics empowers organisers to maximise ROI and achieve their event objectives with precision. This analytical approach enables organisers to make data-driven decisions that drive success and innovation in the event industry. Now let’s have a look at the benefits of data analytics in event management.

Key Benefits of Data-Driven Insights for Events

Data-driven insights offer numerous benefits for events, empowering planners to make informed decisions and enhance overall event success. By leveraging data analytics, event planners can achieve the following key benefits:

  1. Improved decision-making: Data-driven insights provide event planners with valuable information at every stage of event planning and execution. By analysing data on attendee demographics, preferences, and engagement, planners can make informed decisions regarding venue selection, content creation and marketing strategies.
  2. Enhanced attendee experience: Analysing attendee data enables event planners to personalise event experiences, leading to higher levels of satisfaction and engagement. By understanding attendee preferences and behaviour, planners can tailor event offerings to meet the needs and interests of attendees, resulting in a more memorable and impactful experience.
  3. Cost optimization: Data analytics can identify cost-saving opportunities and optimise budget allocation for maximum ROI. By analysing data on resource utilisation, attendance patterns, and vendor performance, event planners can identify areas where costs can be reduced or reallocated to achieve better outcomes while maintaining quality.
  4. Measurable outcomes: Data-driven insights enable event planners to measure the success of events based on predefined KPIs and objectives. By tracking key metrics such as attendance rates, session engagement and attendee feedback, planners can evaluate the effectiveness of their event strategies and make adjustments as needed to improve future events.

JTB India’s expertise in leveraging data analytics through JTB Connect further enhances these benefits. With JTB Connect’s advanced analytics capabilities, event planners can gain actionable insights to drive decision-making, personalise attendee experiences, optimise costs, and measure event success effectively. 

By harnessing the power of data-driven insights, event planners can elevate their events to new heights of success and achieve their objectives with confidence.

Types of Data Analytics for Events

Data analytics plays a pivotal role in ensuring the success of events by providing valuable insights and optimization opportunities across the event lifecycle.

  • Pre-event Analytics 

Pre-event analytics involves leveraging data to understand audience demographics, preferences, and behaviour. By segmenting attendees based on factors such as industry, job role, or interests, event planners can tailor marketing strategies and content to resonate with specific target audiences. Market research and trend analysis further inform event planning decisions, helping organisers stay ahead of emerging trends and anticipate attendee needs.

For example, a technology conference organiser may use data from previous events to identify trends in attendee demographics and interests. By analysing registration data, session preferences, and survey feedback, the organiser can tailor the conference agenda to better meet the needs and preferences of attendees, ultimately driving higher engagement and satisfaction levels.

  • On-site Analytics

During events, real-time analytics come into play to monitor attendee behaviour and engagement levels. Through technologies like RFID badges, mobile event apps, and beacon technology, organisers can track attendee movement, session attendance, and interactions with event content. This real-time data allows for dynamic adjustments to event programming, such as reallocating resources to popular sessions or addressing logistical issues as they arise.

For instance, at a trade show, organisers may use beacon technology to track attendee movement across the exhibition floor. By analysing data on booth visits, session attendance, and interaction with exhibitor materials, organisers can identify popular areas of interest and adjust event logistics in real-time to optimise attendee experiences.

  • Post-event Analytics 

Post-event analytics are essential for evaluating event success and informing future planning efforts. By analysing metrics such as attendee satisfaction surveys, session feedback and post-event surveys, organisers can measure the event’s ROI and identify areas for improvement. Understanding attendee sentiment and preferences gleaned from post-event data enables organisers to refine event strategies, enhance the attendee experience, and drive greater value in subsequent events.

JTB Connect offers a comprehensive suite of analytics capabilities throughout the event lifecycle, enabling organisers to harness the power of data to make informed decisions and optimise event outcomes. From pre-event audience insights to real-time engagement tracking and post-event performance analysis, JTB Connect empowers event planners with the tools they need to deliver exceptional events that resonate with attendees and drive business success.

Tools and Technologies for Event Data Analytics

In today’s digital age, event organisers have access to a wide array of sophisticated tools and technologies to harness the power of data analytics throughout the event lifecycle.

  • Event Management Software 

Event management software (EMS) serves as the backbone of event planning and execution, offering features like registration management, attendee tracking and session scheduling. By centralising event data within a single platform, EMS enables organisers to streamline workflows, enhance collaboration and gather valuable insights into attendee behaviour and preferences.

  • Customer Relationship Management 

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems play a crucial role in managing attendee relationships and interactions. By integrating CRM data with event data, organisers can gain a holistic view of attendee engagement across multiple touchpoints. This allows for targeted communication, personalised marketing campaigns, and enhanced attendee experiences.

  • Analytics Platforms 

Analytics platforms leverage advanced data processing and visualisation techniques to transform raw event data into actionable insights. These platforms enable organisers to analyse attendee demographics, track event performance metrics, and identify trends and patterns that drive strategic decision-making. By harnessing the power of predictive analytics, organisers can anticipate attendee needs, optimise event logistics, and maximise ROI.

  • JTB Connect 

An image showing the report section in the JTB Connect platform for event data analytics

JTB Connect stands out as an innovative technology solution for event data analytics, offered by JTB India. With its robust features and intuitive interface, JTB Connect empowers organisers to collect, analyse, and act on event data with precision and efficiency. From real-time engagement tracking to post-event performance analysis, JTB Connect provides organisers with the tools they need to unlock the full potential of their events and drive success.

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Best Practices for Harnessing Analytics in Event Management

To effectively harness analytics for event success, it’s essential to follow these best practices:

  • Define clear objectives: Before diving into data collection and analysis, establish clear and measurable objectives for your event. Define key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with your event goals to ensure that your analytics efforts are focused and meaningful.
  • Collect relevant data: Gather a variety of data types that provide insights into attendee behaviour, preferences and engagement. This includes demographic information, registration data, session feedback and social media interactions. By collecting relevant data, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of your audience and tailor your event to their needs.
  • Use predictive analytics: Leverage predictive analytics to forecast attendance, identify trends and anticipate potential risks or challenges. By analysing past data and trends, you can make informed decisions and proactively address issues before they arise, ensuring a smoother event experience for attendees.
  • Continuously iterate and optimise: Use insights from data analytics to continuously iterate and optimise your event strategies, content and experiences. Monitor key metrics throughout the event lifecycle and be prepared to make adjustments in real-time based on the data. This iterative approach allows you to maximise the impact of your event and drive continuous improvement.

By implementing these best practices and leveraging advanced analytics features offered by platforms like JTB Connect, event planners can unlock the full potential of their data and drive success in their events.


Leveraging event data analytics in corporate event management is essential for achieving success and maintaining competitiveness in the industry. By leveraging data-driven insights and advanced technology solutions like JTB Connect, event planners can enhance decision-making, optimise attendee experiences and drive measurable outcomes.

The benefits of employing analytics extend beyond individual events, contributing to organisational growth and sustainability. As the event landscape evolves, embracing analytics becomes essential for staying ahead of the curve and delivering exceptional event experiences. With JTB Connect, organisers gain access to comprehensive analytics capabilities, empowering them to extract valuable insights and drive continuous improvement in their events.

An image showing the CTA to create exceptional corporate events and meetings with JTB India

8 Tips to Select Right Venues for Memorable Corporate Events

Do you struggle to pick the perfect venue for your upcoming corporate events and meetings

You’re not alone. Many face this challenge regularly, often resulting in either outsourcing event planning services or settling for unsuitable venues. 

This is where the importance of selecting the ideal corporate event venue comes in. It can either enhance the experience or disappoint attendees. Also, a significant majority of attendees believe the venue can make your event awesome or might have an unsatisfying event experience. This also highlights the importance of choosing the right space tailored to your business needs.

Imagine a venue perfectly aligned with your event’s requirements, offering easy accessibility and catering to all your needs. It’s more than just a location; it’s a meticulously curated space reflecting your corporate identity and ensuring a positive impact.

That’s where we come in. JTB India has a huge global network including 35 countries that can hassle-free choose the right venue for your corporate event. But do you want to know how we do it? Here are the eight tips that we have combined. These tips help you choose the ideal event venue that not only meets your event objectives but also creates an unforgettable experience for your attendees.

Let’s get started.

Tip 1: Know Your Corporate Event Venue Needs

An image showing a corporate event venue

Understanding the needs of your corporate event venue is essential for planning a successful event. To determine these needs, it’s crucial to clarify the concept, objectives, and desired outcomes of your event.

Concept: Begin by defining the overarching concept or theme of your event. Whether it’s a product launch, team-building retreat, or conference, understanding the concept will guide your venue selection process. For example, if the concept revolves around sustainability in corporate activities, you’ll need to prioritize venues that offer eco-friendly amenities and practices.

Objective: Next, identify the specific objectives you aim to achieve through the event. Are you looking to foster team collaboration, showcase a new product, or celebrate company milestones? Each objective may require different venue features and facilities. For instance, if the objective is to enhance team cohesion through outdoor activities, you’ll need a venue with ample outdoor space and recreational amenities.

Needs: Once you have a clear concept and defined objectives, outline the specific needs and requirements for your event. Consider factors such as the number of attendees, types of activities planned, technical equipment needed, catering options and accessibility. Create a detailed list of these needs to serve as a guide during the venue selection process.

For example, if you’re planning a corporate retreat focused on team-building activities for 50 attendees, you’ll need a venue with spacious outdoor areas and accommodation options nearby. Additionally, if sustainability is a key objective, prioritize venues that offer sustainable experiences and eco-friendly practices. 

By understanding your event concept, objectives and needs, you can select a venue that aligns perfectly with your goals and ensures a memorable experience for attendees.

Tip 2: Consider the Accessibility of Your Event Venue

Accessibility refers to how easily attendees can reach your event venue, encompassing factors like proximity to public transportation, availability of parking and venue visibility. Ensuring accessibility is vital to maximising event attendance and success. If attendees encounter difficulties reaching the venue, it may deter participation, impacting your event’s outcomes. 

When assessing accessibility, consider your attendees’ transportation needs. If many are travelling from afar, prioritise venues near transportation hubs. In India, unique considerations for accessibility may include the availability of public transportation options such as metro stations etc. For those driving, ample parking nearby is essential. Tailoring venue selection to attendees’ travel preferences enhances convenience and boosts event participation rates.

Tip 3: Assess Venue Capacity

An image showing another tip to assess venue capacity to choose the best corporate event venues

Assessing venue capacity involves determining if a venue can comfortably accommodate all your event attendees. It’s crucial to select a venue that neither feels overcrowded nor too spacious for your event. Also, 64.6% of attendees agree that the venue can make or break their event experience.

Ensuring the right venue capacity guarantees a smooth event flow and ample space for attendees to move around comfortably. A venue that’s too small may create a cramped and uncomfortable atmosphere, while one that’s too large can make your event feel empty and lack excitement. 

To assess venue capacity, estimate the number of attendees you expect. Then, search for venues that can comfortably host that number, considering factors like seating arrangements, presentation space and additional areas for activities or networking.

Tip 4: Evaluate Amenities and Facilities

When evaluating amenities and facilities, consider the additional perks and services a venue offers beyond its basic space. These extras can include audiovisual equipment, catering services and Wi-Fi availability. Such amenities are crucial in enhancing the overall attendee experience, making your event more convenient, comfortable, and memorable for all participants. 

Choosing a venue with the right amenities ensures that your event runs smoothly and meets the needs of your attendees. To begin, create a list of essential amenities and facilities required for your event, such as sound systems, projectors, or catering options. When assessing potential venues, inquire about these amenities and assess whether they align with your event needs. Consider factors like quality, availability, and any additional costs associated with these services.

Tip 5: Review Venue Reputation and Reviews

According to a survey by BrightLocal, 87% of consumers read online reviews for local businesses, including event venues, before making decisions. Additionally, research from Trustpilot found that 89% of consumers consider online reviews as influential as personal recommendations when making purchasing decisions. These statistics underscore the significance of thoroughly reviewing venue reputation and customer feedback in event planning.

When reviewing venue reputation and customer feedback, it’s crucial to research potential event venues and read reviews from past clients or attendees. This process helps you assess the venue’s quality and the satisfaction level of previous users, ensuring a successful event. Positive reviews indicate excellent service and meeting clients’ needs, while negative feedback or a poor reputation may signal potential issues.

To begin, search for the venue online and explore its website, social media pages, and review platforms like Yelp or Google Reviews. Pay attention to overall ratings, comments and testimonials from previous clients, focusing on recurring themes or specific feedback related to your event needs. Additionally, consider reaching out to past clients directly for more insights into their experiences.

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Tip 6: Budget Considerations

Budget considerations are crucial when selecting a corporate event venue. This involves assessing costs associated with venue rental, amenities and additional services to ensure alignment with budget constraints. Setting a realistic budget prevents overspending and maintains financial viability. 

By considering venue costs and negotiating pricing, you maximise budget value and resource allocation. Determine the overall event budget and allocate a portion for the venue—research venues, comparing pricing structures, locations, capacities and amenities. Contact venues directly for pricing options, discounts, or package deals, and be mindful of hidden costs such as service fees and taxes.

Tip 7: Visit Potential Venues

Visiting potential venues allows you to evaluate the venue’s suitability firsthand and assess whether it meets your specific requirements and preferences. While online research and virtual tours provide valuable insights, nothing compares to experiencing a venue in person. Also, visiting good corporate event venues enables you to gauge factors such as ambience, cleanliness, layout and overall atmosphere.

To begin, compile a list of potential venues based on your event requirements and preferences. Contact each venue to schedule a site visit or venue tour. During the visit, pay close attention to details such as the condition of facilities, cleanliness, and ambience. Consider bringing your event venue checklist of key factors to evaluate, including the venue’s capacity, layout, accessibility, parking facilities and available amenities. Take photographs and notes to help you compare and make an informed decision.

Tip 8: Incorporate Corporate Event Specialists and Technology for Seamless Event Management

Arranging a corporate event involves a multitude of tasks, from identifying requirements to securing reservations, all within a short timeframe. It can be overwhelming to manage everything manually. That’s where corporate event specialists like JTB India and technology come into play.

Corporate event specialists bring expertise and industry knowledge to the table. They understand the nuances of event planning, from selecting the perfect corporate event venue to negotiating budgets. By leveraging their experience, you can streamline the planning process and ensure a successful event.

In addition to human expertise, technology like JTB Connect plays a crucial role in modern event management. This event management software and tools are designed to simplify tasks and automate processes. It helps you create timelines, manage guest lists, track expenses and more, all from a centralised platform. By utilising event management technology, you can save time, reduce errors, and improve efficiency throughout the planning process.

By incorporating both corporate event specialists and technology into your event planning strategy, you can navigate the complexities of organising a corporate event with ease. Whether you’re hosting a small meeting or a large conference, these resources will help you execute a memorable and successful event.

That was all from our tips, let’s conclude now.


Selecting the right venue is paramount for the success of corporate events. By aligning venue features with event objectives, considering accessibility, assessing capacity, evaluating amenities, reviewing reputation, managing budget effectively and visiting potential venues, event planners can ensure a seamless and memorable experience for attendees.

Implementing these tips empowers event planners to make informed decisions and choose venues that meet their requirements. From enhancing attendee experience to optimising budget utilisation, selecting the right venue lays the foundation for a successful event. JTB India offers unparalleled services in strategic meetings management, corporate events, and MICE. With our expertise and dedication, we tailor our services to meet your specific needs, ensuring flawless execution and memorable experiences for your attendees.

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The banner image of the blog on the topic How SMM save your resources

How SMM Save Your Resources?

Effective meeting management stands as a cornerstone for your business success. Amidst the myriad challenges and opportunities, Strategic Meetings Management (SMM) emerges as a pivotal solution, poised to streamline processes and optimise invaluable resources. 

This blog explores how SMM saves your resources and promises substantial savings and operational enhancements for enterprises. By understanding and harnessing the power of SMM, organisations can navigate through the complexities of meeting management with finesse, ensuring that every interaction contributes meaningfully to overarching business objectives. 

As the business landscape continues to evolve, the significance of strategic resource allocation becomes increasingly apparent, making SMM an indispensable tool in the arsenal of forward-thinking enterprises. Without further ado, let’s uncover the transformative potential of SMM in reshaping resource management paradigms and driving sustainable growth.

How does SMM Save your Resources including Time and Effort?

Strategic Meetings Management serves as a beacon of efficiency in the realm of corporate event planning and execution. By leveraging SMM processes and tools, organisations can realise substantial savings in both time and effort. Here’s how: 

Leveraging Automation for Time Efficiency

SMM epitomises efficiency through its innovative automation features. By automating tasks like scheduling appointments, managing registrations, and coordinating logistics, SMM liberates valuable time for stakeholders, enabling them to concentrate on strategic endeavours. Also according to a study by McKinsey & Company, automation raises productivity growth globally by 0.8 to 1.4% annually. This automation not only expedites processes but also ensures consistency and accuracy in execution.

But why is this automation crucial? It is crucial because time is a precious resource, and manual handling of tasks can be both time-consuming and error-prone. By automating these processes, SMM ensures that valuable time is saved, allowing stakeholders to focus on strategic initiatives that drive business growth.

To leverage automation for time efficiency, it’s essential to implement a comprehensive SMM strategy that incorporates automation tools and technologies. These tools streamline processes, eliminate manual intervention, and enable seamless coordination across all aspects of meeting management.

Here, JTB India steps in. With our expertise in SMM solutions, we offer advanced automation tools tailored to meet your organisation’s unique needs. Our platform streamlines the entire meeting planning process, ensuring that tasks are completed efficiently and accurately.

By leveraging JTB India’s automation capabilities, you can unlock a host of benefits, including enhanced productivity, reduced errors, and improved overall efficiency. With automation at the core of our SMM approach, we empower businesses to optimise their time resources effectively, driving success in today’s competitive business environment.

Centralised Data Management: The Backbone of SMM

Centralised data management is integral to effective Strategic Meetings Management (SMM), serving as its backbone for efficient planning and execution. It involves consolidating all meeting-related information into a single repository, eliminating data silos and redundancy. This approach fosters collaboration among team members, enhancing communication and coordination throughout the meeting lifecycle.

Centralised data management with the help of JTB Connect ensures stakeholders have real-time access to accurate data, empowering them to make informed decisions promptly. It streamlines decision-making processes, enabling organisations to respond swiftly to changing circumstances and opportunities. This efficiency saves time and allows for better resource allocation, enhancing productivity and meeting outcomes.

An image showing the JTB Connect dashboard, to show how SMM save your resources

Moreover, centralised data management enhances data integrity and security, mitigating the risk of errors and ensuring compliance with regulations. By maintaining organised data, organisations can avoid data inconsistencies and safeguard sensitive information effectively.

Streamlined Workflows for Optimal Productivity

SMM employs streamlined workflows to optimise task execution and maximise productivity. SMM achieves this by standardising workflows and automating repetitive tasks, allowing organisations to focus on strategic aspects while routine activities are seamlessly handled. Research from Harvard Business Review Analytics Services reveals that 92% of executives believe streamlining workflows is essential for achieving organizational agility and resilience. By establishing clear processes and predefined steps, SMM ensures consistency and accuracy, reducing errors and inefficiencies.

Furthermore, streamlined workflows foster collaboration among team members, providing clarity on responsibilities and timelines. This creates a cohesive working environment where stakeholders can coordinate efforts effectively to achieve common objectives.

By leveraging streamlined workflows, organisations improve transparency and accountability in meeting management. Stakeholders have visibility into task status and milestones, enabling them to track progress and address issues promptly.

Cost Savings Through SMM Implementation

An image showing how SMM save your resources

Strategic Meetings Management is not only about streamlining processes but also about maximising cost efficiency. By implementing SMM practices, organisations can unlock substantial cost savings across various aspects of meeting management. Also, end-to-end SMM solutions (i.e. technology) help companies achieve over 30% higher cost savings than companies not currently using an end-to-end SMM solution;

Leveraging JTB India’s expertise, organisations can optimise budget allocation, negotiate favourable contracts with vendors, and eliminate unnecessary expenditures. With JTB India’s assistance, you can ensure that your financial resources are utilised effectively, leading to significant cost savings and a higher return on investment.

Maximising Resource Efficiency with SMM Tools and Technologies

In today’s digital age, JTB India offers a suite of innovative tools and technologies designed to enhance resource efficiency in meeting management. From high-tech event management software to advanced data analytics platforms, JTB India’s solutions provide organisations with valuable insights and automate various tasks.

With JTB India’s support, organisations can streamline workflows, improve decision-making processes, and drive better outcomes from meetings. By leveraging JTB India’s expertise and technology solutions, businesses can maximise resource efficiency and achieve their meeting objectives with ease. And now let’s explore the future of resource optimization with SMM.

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The Future of Resource Optimization with SMM

Looking ahead, JTB India is committed to driving continuous innovation and advancement in SMM practices and technologies. By partnering with JTB India, organisations can stay at the forefront of resource optimization in meeting management

  • Future-oriented: JTB India is dedicated to advancing SMM practices and technologies to meet evolving needs.
  • Partnership benefits: Organisations partnering with JTB India can stay ahead in resource optimization for meeting management.
  • Access to expertise: Leveraging JTB India’s expertise ensures organisations can maximise resource efficiency.
  • Emerging technologies: JTB India provides access to cutting-edge technologies for better resource management.
  • Sustainable growth: By implementing SMM practices, businesses can drive sustainable growth and maintain competitiveness.

With JTB India’s expertise and access to emerging technologies, businesses can maximise resource efficiency, drive sustainable growth, and maintain a competitive edge in today’s dynamic business landscape.


With this, you now know how SMM saves your resources. It emerges as a powerful tool for organisations to save valuable resources while optimising meeting management processes. By addressing common challenges such as time constraints and budget limitations, SMM enables efficient resource allocation and drives cost savings. Leveraging innovative tools and technologies like JTB Connect, organisations can streamline meeting planning, execution, and analysis, leading to improved outcomes and sustainable business growth. 

As businesses strive to navigate the complexities of the modern landscape, adopting SMM practices becomes essential for staying competitive and achieving strategic objectives effectively. Take the first step towards resource optimization and business success with JTB India’s comprehensive SMM solutions. 

An image showing the CTA to elevate your business with JTB India

The banner image of the blog on the topic, Unveiling the Role of Technology in Strategic Meetings Management

The Role of Technology in Strategic Meetings Management

Strategic Meetings Management (SMM) has emerged as a cornerstone of modern business operations, facilitating the seamless planning, execution, and analysis of corporate meetings and events. This is where robust technology comes in. Technology in strategic meetings management plays a pivotal role in driving organisational efficiency, and maximising the impact of meetings. From advanced event management software to innovative data analytics platforms, technology empowers businesses to streamline their meeting management efforts and achieve greater success.

But how can technology in strategic meeting management be enhanced?

What are the latest tools and trends that can help businesses shape the future of meeting management?

And many more questions must be coming into your head.

Well, we are going to answer all your questions in this blog. From the utilisation of artificial intelligence to the integration of virtual reality, we will preview key technological innovations revolutionising the way meetings and events are planned, executed, and experienced. 

What is Strategic Meetings Management (SMM)?

SMM is a systematic approach to planning and managing corporate meetings and events. It streamlines processes like venue selection, attendee management, and budgeting to boost efficiency and control costs. By centralising these tasks, organisations can ensure compliance, enhance the meeting experience, and maximise value. 

Integrating technology into SMM processes automates tasks, improves communication, and enables real-time data analysis. This technology-driven approach helps organisations adapt to evolving business demands, increase productivity, and stay competitive in today’s digital landscape.

Moreover, SMM goes beyond just planning events. It also helps with things like taking care of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) management, being socially responsible, and following good governance practices. By making events more eco-friendly and socially conscious, SMM helps companies support important causes and run their events in a way that’s good for everyone. This means that events not only meet business goals but also help make the world a better place.

But How to Implement ESG Practices?

To implement ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) practices effectively, you must follow these steps:

  1. Assess current practices: Evaluate your organization’s current environmental, social, and governance practices to identify areas for improvement.
  2. Set goals: Establish clear and measurable goals for ESG initiatives, considering factors such as reducing carbon footprint, promoting diversity and inclusion, and enhancing governance transparency.
  3. Develop policies and procedures: Create policies and procedures that outline how your organization will address environmental impacts, social issues, and governance practices.
  4. Engage stakeholders: Involve key stakeholders, including employees, customers, investors, and community members, in the development and implementation of ESG initiatives.
  5. Monitor and measure performance: Implement systems to track and measure progress towards ESG goals, using metrics such as energy consumption, employee satisfaction, and board diversity.
  6. Report and communicate: Communicate your organization’s ESG efforts transparently through regular reporting and disclosure mechanisms, such as sustainability reports and investor presentations.
  7. Continuously improve: Regularly review and update your ESG policies and practices to reflect changes in the business landscape and stakeholder expectations, ensuring ongoing improvement and alignment with organizational goals.

By integrating these ESG practices into event management processes, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to sustainability, social responsibility, and ethical governance, driving positive impact and enhancing their overall reputation and performance.

Importance of Technology in Strategic Meetings Management

An image showing the importance of technology in strategic meetings management

Technology is transforming the landscape of strategic meetings management, enhancing efficiency and driving impactful results. Let’s dive deeper to understand how here: 

1. Environment

Technology in Strategic Meetings Management (SMM) enhances efficiency and conserves resources by streamlining processes. It reduces paper usage and saves time and costs through digitized registration and communication.

SMM enables organizations to achieve sustainable events by implementing effective waste reduction and recycling policies. Strategies such as using reusable materials, embracing digital solutions, and providing on-site recycling facilities minimize waste generation, promoting environmental sustainability.

2. Governance

Technology-driven Strategic Meetings Management (SMM) enhances governance through increased transparency and visualization of return on investment (ROI). Real-time data and insights provided by advanced technology tools enable stakeholders to monitor event performance, track expenses, and ensure compliance with policies and regulations.

Additionally, the visualization of ROI in event management allows organizations to analyze data on attendee engagement, satisfaction, and cost-effectiveness. This empowers them to make informed decisions, optimize resource allocation, and maximize ROI effectively.

3. Social

SMM enhances stakeholder relations by considering their concerns in event planning and fostering trust and cooperation. Through technology, organizations showcase their commitment to social responsibility and ethical practices, strengthening relationships.

Furthermore, technology-enabled SMM facilitates collaboration with eco-friendly suppliers, ensuring event materials align with sustainability goals. By partnering with like-minded suppliers, organizations promote ethical sourcing and responsible consumption, contributing to ESG principles. Incorporating stakeholder engagement in SMM allows companies to address environmental and social concerns transparently. By involving stakeholders in decision-making and communicating sustainability initiatives, organizations build trust and credibility in their ESG efforts.

Incorporating stakeholder’s engagement into Strategic Meetings Management ensures that the concerns and values of all stakeholders are addressed, fostering trust and credibility in the organization’s ESG initiatives.

JTB Connect: Empowering Strategic Meetings Management with Technology

JTB Connect stands out as an innovative event management technology platform designed to revolutionise meeting processes from planning to execution. At its core, JTB Connect offers a range of features aimed at optimising meeting management practices:

Centralised Data Management

One of the key features of JTB Connect is its ability to centralise data management, allowing organisations to store and access all relevant meeting information in one secure location. This streamlines the process of organising and retrieving essential data, ensuring that stakeholders have access to the most up-to-date information at all times.

An image showing the JTB Connect dashboard, a robust technology in strategic meetings management.

Automated Workflows

JTB Connect streamlines meeting workflows through automated processes, reducing manual intervention and minimising the risk of errors. Tasks such as attendee registration, agenda scheduling, and vendor coordination are automated, freeing up valuable time and resources for organisers to focus on strategic decision-making.

An image showing the JTB Connect dashboard, a robust technology in strategic meetings management.

Real-Time Analytics

Real-time analytics capabilities provided by JTB Connect offer valuable insights into meeting performance and attendee engagement. Through intuitive dashboards and reporting tools, organisations can monitor key metrics, track progress against goals, and identify areas for improvement. This data-driven approach enables organisations to make informed decisions and optimise meeting strategies for better outcomes.

An image showing the JTB Connect dashboard, a robust technology in strategic meetings management.

In essence, JTB Connect empowers organisations to take control of their meeting management processes, driving efficiency, productivity, and success.

Request a demo to explore JTB Connect a robust Technology in Strategic Meetings Management

Key Technological Tools in Strategic Meetings Management

In the realm of Strategic Meetings Management (SMM), technological tools play a pivotal role in optimising meeting processes and driving success. Among the essential tools are event management software, mobile applications, and data analytics platforms, each offering unique features tailored to streamline meeting management efforts.

Event Management Software

Event management software serves as the backbone of Strategic Meetings Management (SMM), providing centralised platforms for planning, organising, and executing meetings and events. These software solutions offer a range of features, including:

  • Agenda management
  • Attendee registration
  • Venue sourcing
  • Budget tracking

By consolidating these tasks into a single platform, event management software enhances efficiency and facilitates seamless coordination throughout the meeting lifecycle.

Mobile Applications

Complementing event management software are mobile applications designed to enhance attendee engagement and interaction during meetings and events. These apps offer functionalities such as:

  • Live polling
  • Q&A sessions
  • Agenda updates
  • Networking opportunities

Moreover, mobile apps provide organisers with valuable insights into attendee behaviour and preferences, enabling them to make real-time adjustments and improvements to enhance overall satisfaction.

Data Analytics Platforms

Data analytics platforms are instrumental in providing organisations with actionable insights into meeting performance and attendee engagement. These platforms leverage data collected from various sources to generate comprehensive reports and analyses, including:

  • Registration forms
  • Attendee interactions
  • Post-event surveys

By analysing this data, organisations can identify trends, measure event ROI, and make data-driven decisions to optimise future meeting strategies.


Technology in strategic meetings management has emerged as a cornerstone, revolutionising the way organisations plan, execute, and analyse meetings and events. Throughout this blog, we’ve explored the critical role of technology in enhancing SMM processes, driving efficiency, and fostering innovation.

From essential tools like event management software and mobile apps to emerging trends like artificial intelligence and virtual reality, technology offers a myriad of opportunities for organisations to optimise their meeting management practices and stay ahead of the curve.

At the forefront of this technological revolution is JTB Connect, an innovative event management platform that empowers organisations to streamline meeting processes, automate workflows, and gain valuable insights through real-time analytics.

Looking ahead, the future of technology in SMM holds even greater promise, with advancements, innovations, and opportunities on the horizon. Organisations must embrace these changes, leverage technology effectively, and remain adaptable to drive SMM success in an ever-evolving business landscape.

Request a demo to explore JTB Connect, a robust technology in strategic meetings management.

An image showing the banner image of the blog on the topic 7 benefits of strategic meetings management implementation in your business

Top 7 Benefits of Strategic Meetings Management Implementation

Are you tired of inefficient and costly meeting management processes dragging down your business operations?

You’re not alone. Optimising meetings and events has become crucial for staying competitive. That’s where Strategic Meetings Management (SMM) steps in to revolutionise your business meetings and corporate events approach.

SMM is not just about managing meetings; it’s about transforming the way your organisation plans, executes, and benefits from corporate events. You know the definition of SMM in brief. That’s why we have come here to explore the seven key benefits of implementing SMM in your organisation, addressing the challenges that organisations commonly face in managing meetings effectively. Let’s get started.

1. Cost Savings

An image showing the benefits of implementing strategic meetings management by saving the cost

The first benefit of implementing Strategic Meetings Management is cost savings. It is essential for optimising meeting-related expenses in today’s cost-conscious business environment. By streamlining processes, negotiating favourable contracts with suppliers, and centralising management, SMM yields substantial cost savings, typically ranging from 10-25% on meeting budgets. These savings offer organisations the opportunity to reallocate resources towards strategic initiatives or reinvest in core business activities, enhancing financial efficiency and flexibility.

With SMM, you can adapt to changing market conditions and seize growth opportunities more effectively. For this, you can also leverage JTB India’s SMM service to further enhance cost-saving efforts. JTB India’s expertise in meeting management, along with its extensive network and negotiating power, ensures that organisations maximise their cost-saving potential. 

Through personalised strategies tailored to each client’s unique needs, JTB India enables businesses to achieve significant savings while maintaining high-quality meeting experiences. By partnering with JTB India for SMM, organisations can unlock greater financial efficiency and drive sustainable growth.

2. Enhance Efficiency and Productivity

Efficiency and productivity are critical factors for organisations striving to remain competitive in the modern dynamic business environment. Strategic Meetings Management is instrumental in enhancing these aspects by automating tasks, standardising procedures, and centralising planning. 

By streamlining meeting processes, SMM alleviates administrative burdens, reduces errors, and expedites decision-making, resulting in enhanced operational efficiency and productivity. When workflows are smoother, employees have more time for important tasks like innovation and strategic initiatives, leading to better business performance.

Also, JTB India’s SMM services augment efficiency and productivity improvement efforts. Leveraging JTB India’s expertise in meeting management and its innovative technology solutions, you can streamline your meeting processes and optimise resource utilisation. JTB India customises strategies to help clients increase efficiency without sacrificing productivity. By working with JTB India for social media management, companies can improve efficiency and productivity, leading to sustainable growth and success.

3. Improve Risk Management and Compliance

Effective risk management and compliance are critical for organisational success and reputation in today’s highly regulated business environment. Strategic Meetings Management offers organisations improved visibility and control over meeting activities, allowing them to mitigate risks associated with meetings and events.

By standardising processes, enforcing policies, and centralising data management, SMM reduces the likelihood of compliance breaches, security incidents, and legal liabilities. This not only safeguards the organisation’s reputation and financial interests but also enhances stakeholder’s trust and confidence, reinforcing its position as a responsible corporate citizen.

With JTB India’s expertise and innovative technology solutions, organisations can implement robust risk mitigation strategies and ensure adherence to regulatory requirements. Their comprehensive approach to compliance management and proactive risk identification minimises exposure to potential threats and vulnerabilities.

Also, the PWC report highlights that 71% of Indian organisations analyse cybersecurity and IT data for risk management, surpassing the global average of 61%. Similarly, 63% of Indian companies analyse regulatory and compliance data for risk management, compared to the global average of 50%. These statistics emphasise the importance of using SMM tools like JTB India’s solutions for effective risk management and compliance.

4. Enhance Attendee Experience and Satisfaction

Strategic Meetings Management isn’t just about organizing events; it’s about creating unforgettable experiences for attendees. SMM empowers organizations to customize every aspect of the event journey to meet attendees’ expectations and preferences. From seamless registration processes to engaging content and interactive activities, SMM ensures that every attendee interaction leaves a lasting impression. By prioritizing attendee satisfaction, organizations can nurture stronger relationships, build brand loyalty, and amplify the impact of their events.

Increased attendee engagement directly benefits companies. Engaged and satisfied attendees are more likely to return for future events and recommend them to others. SMM enables organizations to enhance the attendee experience by anticipating their needs, providing personalized services, and fostering meaningful engagement opportunities. Whether through innovative technology solutions or meticulous event planning, SMM ensures that every attendee feels valued and appreciated.

Moreover, satisfied attendees are more inclined to actively participate in events, share ideas, and collaborate with peers, leading to more enriching discussions and better outcomes. Investing in attendee satisfaction through SMM helps organizations differentiate themselves, expand their business, and achieve long-term success.

Request a demo to explore JTB Connect for SMM


5. Make Informed Decisions with Data-Driven Analysis

An image showing the benefits of strategic meetings management implementation with which you can make smart decisions by using the data-driven analysis

Data-driven decision-making is a crucial aspect of Strategic Meetings Management, offering organisations valuable insights into meeting activities, attendee behaviour, and spending patterns. With SMM, organisations can access comprehensive data and analytics through Strategic Meetings Management platforms like JTB Connect, allowing them to make informed decisions that optimise meeting strategies and outcomes. JTB Connect provides robust reporting and analytics features that enable organisations to analyse meeting data effectively. 

By leveraging these insights, organisations can identify trends, opportunities, and challenges, enabling them to improve their meeting strategies for better results continuously. Whether it’s identifying cost-saving opportunities, optimising resource allocation, or enhancing attendee experiences, data-driven decision-making facilitated by JTB Connect empowers organisations to achieve their meeting objectives more effectively and efficiently. This not only drives overall business success and growth but also strengthens the organisation’s competitive position in the market.

6. Cost-Effective Sustainability Initiatives

Nearly 50% of corporate event attendees see hybrid events as the future’s ideal format, surpassing exclusively in-person or virtual-only events. SMM offers organisations the chance to align meeting practices with sustainability initiatives, yielding dual benefits for the environment and the bottom line. By employing SMM strategies like virtual meetings to mitigate travel-related emissions, embracing eco-friendly practices, and minimising waste, organisations can contribute to environmental preservation while simultaneously cutting costs. 

These cost-effective sustainability initiatives not only enhance corporate social responsibility but also bolster brand reputation and attract environmentally conscious stakeholders. By demonstrating a commitment to sustainability through SMM, organizations can positively impact society and the planet while efficiently and responsibly achieving meeting objectives. Moreover, embracing sustainability aligns with Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) management perspectives, showcasing a dedication to responsible business practices.

Prioritizing sustainability fulfils organizations’ corporate responsibility to protect the earth and make positive contributions to society, reinforcing their position as ethical leaders in their respective industries. Leveraging JTB’s comprehensive suite of services and expertise in SMM, organizations can seamlessly integrate sustainability practices into meeting management processes, further advancing environmental stewardship efforts.

7. Gain a Competitive Advantage with SMM

The seventh key benefit of Strategic Meetings Management is gaining a competitive advantage in the market. Partnering with a trusted SMM provider like JTB India equips you with the tools and expertise needed to outshine competitors and thrive in the industry while driving 12-15% more value from events. With JTB India’s comprehensive suite of services and industry-leading practices, organizations can leverage SMM to drive business success and surpass their rivals.

From maximizing cost savings to enhancing efficiency, risk management, and attendee satisfaction, JTB India enables organizations to stay ahead of the curve and achieve their meeting objectives with excellence. By embracing SMM, organizations can differentiate themselves in the marketplace, solidify their market position, and achieve sustainable growth in today’s competitive business landscape.

That was all about the benefits of strategic meetings management. Let us now conclude our blog.


Strategic Meetings Management vis a vis SMM offers numerous benefits crucial for modern businesses. From cost savings to enhanced efficiency and attendee satisfaction, SMM streamlines meeting management processes effectively. Partnering with a trusted provider like JTB India maximises these benefits, ensuring access to expertise and resources that drive success. 

Further, embracing SMM is essential for organisations aiming to navigate meeting complexities efficiently and achieve long-term growth. By investing in SMM and partnering with experts like JTB India, organisations can optimise resources and achieve meeting objectives confidently.

Request a demo to explore JTB Connect for SMM


The banner image of the blog on the topic What Is Strategic Meetings Management and How Can It Benefit You?

What Is Strategic Meetings Management and How Can It Benefit Your Business?

Ain’t your business meetings delivering the outcomes you desire, or are they falling short amidst growing time and resource constraints? Well, in today’s fast-paced business world, effective meeting management is essential for staying competitive. This is where Strategic Meetings Management (SMM) comes in. With SMM, you can transform and effectively boost event planning and management. And by strategically outsourcing the complexities of meeting management, you can optimise resources and streamline processes.

But what exactly is SMM and how can it benefit your organisation? 

SMM involves strategically overseeing all aspects of meetings and aligning objectives with broader business goals. Not just that, it has much more to offer. That’s why we have created this guide to explore what Is strategic meetings management and how can it benefit your business, along with the fundamentals of SMM, uncovering its benefits – from cost savings to enhanced productivity and improved attendee satisfaction. 

Let’s dive in and learn what is strategic meetings management and how can it benefit you here. 

What is Strategic Meetings Management?

An image showing what is strategic meetings management and How Can It Benefit?

Strategic Meetings Management (SMM) is a systematic approach to planning, executing and evaluating meetings and events within an organisation. It involves aligning meeting activities with the organisation’s overall objectives and priorities to maximise efficiency, effectiveness and return on investment.

Further, SMM encompasses various elements, including sourcing venues, managing logistics, budgeting, attendee registration and post-event analysis. This brings us to the key components and phases of it. Let’s dive in to understand. 

Key Components and Phases of SMM

SMM comprises several key components and phases that collectively contribute to its success:

  • Meeting Strategy: This involves defining the purpose, scope and goals of meetings and events within the organisation. It includes establishing policies and guidelines for conducting meetings in alignment with business objectives.
  • Meeting Definition: In this phase, specific meetings and events are identified based on their strategic importance and potential impact on organisational goals. It includes categorising meetings by type, size, frequency and audience.
  • Meeting Policy: Developing and implementing policies and procedures to govern meeting-related activities, including budgeting, vendor selection, contract negotiation and compliance with regulatory requirements.
  • Meeting Registration Process: Creating standardised processes for attendee registration, including online registration platforms, attendee data management and communication protocols.
  • Centralised Sourcing/Procurement: Streamlining the sourcing and procurement of meeting-related services, such as venues, catering, audiovisual equipment and transportation, to leverage economies of scale and negotiate favourable terms with suppliers.

After knowing the key components, you must be wondering why it is important to implement strategic meetings management, right? We have got you covered. 

Importance of Standardised Processes and Technology in SMM Implementation

Standardised processes and technology play a crucial role in the successful implementation of SMM. Here’s why:

  • Efficiency and Consistency: Standardised processes ensure consistency and efficiency across all meeting-related activities, reducing manual errors and streamlining workflows.
  • Data Integration and Analysis: Technology solutions such as JTB Connect facilitate the integration of meeting data from various sources, allowing for comprehensive analysis and reporting on meeting performance, attendee satisfaction and ROI.
  • Cost Savings: By centralising procurement and standardising processes, organisations can achieve cost savings through economies of scale, vendor consolidation and improved negotiation leverage.
  • Compliance and Risk Management: Standardised processes and technology enable organisations to enforce compliance with internal policies, regulatory requirements and industry standards, reducing the risk of non-compliance and associated penalties.
  • Enhanced Visibility and Control: Technology solutions provide real-time visibility into meeting activities, budgets and expenditures, empowering organisations to make informed decisions, identify areas for improvement and optimise resource allocation.

Now that you know what is strategic meetings management and its importance, let’s move ahead and explore the benefits of it. 

5 Benefits of Strategic Meetings Management

An infographic image created by JTB India showing 5 Benefits of Strategic Meetings Management including, Increase Efficiency and Productivity, Cost Savings and Optimization, Enhance Attendee Experience, Improve Data Management and Analytics and Better Control and Compliance

SMM goes beyond mere cost savings, offering a range of advantages that enhance efficiency, attendee experience, data management and compliance. Let’s dive into the five key benefits of implementing SMM:

  • Increase Efficiency and Productivity

SMM simplifies meeting management, saving time and resources by automating tasks like venue sourcing and budgeting. This streamlines workflows, allowing teams to focus on strategic initiatives.

  • Cost Savings and Optimization

SMM centralises procurement processes and allows organisations to negotiate favourable contracts. This centralised approach leads to cost reductions and better allocation of resources, ultimately maximising Return on Investment (ROI). By optimising procurement processes and negotiating better contracts, organisations can achieve significant cost savings.

  • Enhance Attendee Experience

SMM focuses on creating memorable events by offering user-friendly registration processes and personalised experiences for attendees. This emphasis on attendee experience fosters engagement and loyalty among participants, leading to more successful and impactful events. By prioritising attendee experience, organisations can enhance the overall effectiveness of their meetings and events.

  • Improve Data Management and Analytics

SMM provides access to comprehensive data and analytics, enabling data-driven decision-making in meeting and event planning. By leveraging data insights, organisations can make informed decisions, enhance planning processes and support continuous improvement efforts. This access to data and analytics enhances the overall effectiveness and success of meetings and events.

  • Better Control and Compliance

SMM establishes standardised processes and compliance controls, mitigating risks associated with meeting and event management. By adhering to policies and regulations, organisations ensure transparency and maintain compliance with internal and external standards. This emphasis on control and compliance minimises risks and ensures that meetings and events are conducted in a structured and compliant manner.

You can also leverage these benefits by implementing strategic meetings management effectively in your organisation. Also, this will empower you to optimise processes, achieve objectives and stay competitive. After knowing what Is strategic meetings management and how can it benefit you, you must embrace SMM best practices and technology solutions that can propel your organization forward in today’s dynamic landscape.

Request a demo to explore JTB Connect for SMM

How to Implement Strategic Meetings Management in Your Business?

Implementing a Strategic Meetings Management (SMM) program requires careful planning and execution. Here are the key steps involved:

Step 1: Assessment and Planning

Start by assessing your organisation’s current meeting management practices, identifying pain points and setting clear objectives for the SMM program. Develop a comprehensive plan outlining the scope, goals, timeline and budget for implementation.

Step 2: Stakeholder Engagement

Gain buy-in from key stakeholders across departments, including finance, procurement, marketing and human resources. Align their priorities with the goals of the SMM program to ensure support and collaboration throughout the implementation process.

Step 3: Technology Evaluation

Evaluate available technology solutions that align with your organisation’s needs and objectives. Consider factors such as scalability, ease of integration with existing systems, user-friendliness and vendor support. Choose a technology platform that offers features such as venue sourcing, budgeting, registration management and reporting.

Step 4: Vendor Selection

Select service providers who specialise in meeting management and demonstrate expertise in implementing SMM programs. You can also reach out to JTB India as they have global connections and vendors with a proven track record, industry certifications and a strong reputation for customer service. Also, you must conduct thorough due diligence, including requesting proposals, conducting interviews and checking references.

Step 5: Customization and Integration

Work closely with your chosen technology provider such as JTB Connect to customise the platform to meet your organisation’s specific requirements. Ensure seamless integration with existing systems such as CRM, ERP and financial software to facilitate data sharing and streamline processes.

Step 6: Training and Onboarding

Provide comprehensive training to internal stakeholders and end-users to ensure they are proficient in using the SMM platform. Offer ongoing support and resources to address any questions or challenges that arise during the onboarding process.

Step 7: Monitoring and Optimization

Continuously monitor the performance of the SMM program, tracking key metrics such as cost savings, attendee satisfaction and compliance. Identify areas for improvement and optimization, making adjustments as needed to maximise the program’s effectiveness.

By following these steps and leveraging the right technology and service providers, you can successfully implement an SMM program that enhances efficiency, drives cost savings and improves the overall effectiveness of your meeting management processes.

Tips to Utilise Strategic Meetings Management Effectively 

Implementing Strategic Meetings Management (SMM) may pose challenges. Here’s how to overcome them:

  • Engage Stakeholders: Keep everyone informed and involved from the start. Share goals, benefits and expectations clearly to gain support.
  • Set Clear Objectives: Define specific, achievable goals like cost savings and efficiency improvements. Track progress regularly.
  • Tailor Solutions: Customise the program to fit your organisation’s unique needs and workflows.
  • Provide Training: Ensure all users understand the tools and processes through comprehensive training and ongoing support.
  • Promote Compliance: Encourage adoption by highlighting benefits and enforcing policies. Continuously reinforce adherence.
  • Continuous Improvement: Regularly review performance, gather feedback and make iterative changes for ongoing optimization.

With these tips, organisations can navigate SMM implementation successfully, driving better meeting management outcomes.


SMM aka Strategic Meetings Management offers a robust framework for enhancing meeting and event management processes within organisations. By strategically aligning objectives with broader business goals, implementing standardised processes and harnessing the power of technology, businesses can unlock a myriad of benefits, ranging from cost savings to heightened productivity and attendee satisfaction.

Now that you know what Is strategic meetings management and how can it benefit you, consider collaborating with JTB India, a trusted leader in corporate event and travel management. With our extensive suite of services and specialised expertise in Strategic Meetings Management, we can assist you in navigating the intricacies of meeting management, optimising processes and realising your business objectives. 

Request a demo to explore JTB Connect for SMM


The banner image of the blog on the topic, How Sustainable Events Shape a Brighter Future?

The Future of Sustainable Events: Crafting a Powerful Sustainability Strategy

In a world facing environmental challenges, it’s crucial to do things that help our planet. One way to do this is by organizing sustainability events. These events are big meetings where people come together to work on these issues. They’re not just about talking; they’re about doing things to make sure we have a greener future that we all share.

As event organizers and attendees become more conscious of their environmental impact, companies need to develop a powerful sustainability strategy that aligns with their brand values.

Crafting a sustainability strategy requires careful consideration and planning. From reducing waste and carbon emissions to promoting eco-friendly practices, a comprehensive approach is necessary to create truly sustainable events. By incorporating green initiatives, such as using renewable energy sources and implementing eco-friendly transportation options, companies can showcase their commitment to the environment and resonate with environmentally-conscious consumers.

Let’s explore the future of sustainable events and provide actionable insights on how to create a powerful sustainability strategy that drives positive change.

What are Sustainable Events?

An image showing the sustainable event

Sustainable events are those that are designed and executed to minimize their negative impact on the environment while maximizing positive social and economic outcomes. 

These events prioritize the use of renewable resources, waste reduction, and eco-friendly practices. By adopting sustainable measures, companies can not only reduce their carbon footprint but also contribute to the overall well-being of the planet.

Not just that. These events go beyond just recycling and reducing waste. They encompass a holistic approach that considers every aspect of event management including planning and execution, from sourcing materials and energy to transportation and waste management. 

By adopting sustainable practices, companies can set themselves apart from their competitors and attract environmentally-conscious consumers.

Why Sustainability in Events is Required in 2023?

Sustainability in events holds significant importance, and recent statistics underscore a growing commitment to environmental awareness. Notably, the number of consumers who believe they can still save the planet has risen from 51% to 56% between 2021-22. This positive shift reflects a heightened sense of urgency and responsibility among individuals.

Now more than ever, events play a crucial role in addressing environmental concerns for several key reasons:

  • Helping the Environment: Events can have a big impact on the environment, and sustainable practices aim to reduce this impact by using fewer resources and creating less waste.
  • Dealing with Climate Change: We’re more aware than ever of climate change, and sustainable events play a role in reducing the emissions that contribute to it.
  • Saving Resources: With a growing global population, there’s a need to be mindful of how we use resources like water and energy. Sustainable events focus on using resources efficiently to make them last longer.
  • Being Ethical: There’s a rising expectation for events to be socially responsible. Sustainable events promote fair labor, ethical practices, and community engagement.
  • Meeting Attendee Expectations: People attending events care more and more about the environmental and ethical practices of the events they go to. Choosing sustainability aligns with these values, creating a positive impression.
  • Following Regulations: Many places are making rules about how events should be environmentally friendly. Following sustainable practices helps event organizers meet these rules.
  • Using Technology: New technologies make it easier to be eco-friendly in events, from using energy-efficient lighting to finding digital alternatives for traditional event materials.
  • Saving Money in the Long Run: While it might cost more at the start, being sustainable often leads to saving money over time. Practices like reducing waste and using resources wisely can cut down on overall costs.
  • Connecting Globally: Events are more connected globally, and sustainability is a way to collaborate globally, sharing best practices and contributing to worldwide efforts to tackle environmental issues.
  • Staying Relevant: As sustainability becomes more important in society, events that embrace it remain appealing and aligned with what people expect, making them more future-proof.

By knowing the importance, now you can not only meet the expectations of your customers but also contribute to a healthier and more sustainable future.

Now let’s discover how to make sustainable events and leverage them.

Steps to Create Sustainable Events

Creating sustainable events involves a thoughtful and strategic approach to minimize environmental impact and promote responsible practices. Here are steps to help you plan and execute sustainable events:

Step 1: Set Clear Sustainability Goals:

Define specific sustainability objectives for your event, such as reducing waste, conserving energy, or promoting local community involvement. These goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Communicate these goals to your team, vendors, and participants to create a shared commitment.

Step 2: Choose an Eco-Friendly Venue:

Select venues with eco-friendly certifications like JTB India. We consider the venue’s energy efficiency, waste management, and accessibility to public transportation.

Step 3: Promote Paperless Communication:

Minimize paper usage by using digital invitations, event programs, and communication tools. Encourage attendees to use mobile apps for schedules, maps, and information.

Step 4: Sustainable Catering:

Work with caterers who prioritize local, organic, and sustainably sourced food. Opt for reusable or compostable tableware and utensils to reduce single-use plastic. The USDA reports that “food waste is estimated at between 30-40 percent of the food supply.” Having sustainable food options is an important consideration for your next event.

Step 5: Waste Reduction and Recycling:

Implement a comprehensive waste management plan, including clearly labeled recycling and composting stations. Minimize single-use items and encourage reusable alternatives.

Step 6: Energy Efficiency:

Use energy-efficient lighting and equipment. Consider renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, for your event.

Step 7: Transportation Options:

Choose a venue with good public transportation access or provide shuttle services to reduce individual car travel. Promote ridesharing and cycling options for participants.

Step 8: Water Conservation:

Use water-saving technologies for landscaping and restroom facilities. Encourage attendees to use refillable water bottles, providing water refill stations.

Step 9: Green Partnerships:

Collaborate with eco-friendly vendors and sponsors who share your commitment to sustainability. Support local businesses and communities in the planning and execution of your event.

You can also explore the possibility of offering sustainable travel packages in partnership with JTB India. Include options for carbon offsetting, eco-friendly activities, and accommodations with strong sustainability credentials.

Step 10: Educational Initiatives:

Integrate sustainability into the event program through workshops, talks, or interactive sessions. Raise awareness about environmental issues and provide practical tips for sustainable living.

Step 11: Measure and Report:

Evaluate the environmental impact of your event by tracking key metrics, such as waste diversion rates and energy consumption. Share the results with stakeholders to showcase the success of your sustainability efforts.

Step 12: Feedback and Continuous Improvement:

Collect feedback from participants regarding the sustainability initiatives implemented. Use this feedback to refine and improve your sustainability practices for future events.

By integrating these steps into your event planning process, you can create a positive impact on the environment while delivering a memorable and responsible experience for your participants.

Now let’s discover the benefits that you can get after implementing it.

Benefits of Implementing Sustainability Event Strategy

Sustainable events offer a multitude of benefits as follows:

  • Positive Environmental Impact: Reducing waste and conserving resources for a healthier planet.
  • Cost Savings: Sustainable measures lead to long-term operational expense reductions.
  • Enhanced Brand Image: Prioritizing sustainability builds a positive brand reputation.
  • Increased Attendee Engagement: Green activities and practices enhance the overall event experience.
  • Compliance with Regulations: Staying aligned with evolving environmental standards and regulations.
  • Attracting Sponsors and Partners: Like-minded sponsors are drawn to organizations that prioritize eco-friendly practices.
  • Employee and Stakeholder Satisfaction: Prioritizing sustainability boosts internal stakeholder satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Innovation and Differentiation: Embracing sustainability encourages innovation and distinguishes leaders in the industry.
  • Long-Term Resilience: Sustainability measures contribute to events’ long-term adaptability and resilience.
  • Community and Social Impact: Positive contributions to local communities and businesses.
  • Measurable Impact and Reporting: Transparent reporting builds trust and demonstrates commitment to improvement.
  • Adaptation to Consumer Trends: Aligning with eco-conscious consumer preferences for event relevance.
  • Fostering a Culture of Responsibility: Promoting a culture of responsibility within the organization.
  • Global Collaboration: Contributing to a global movement for environmental sustainability.
  • Personal Satisfaction and Well-Being: Participants experience personal satisfaction from contributing to positive outcomes.

These are the benefits that you can leverage by implementing sustainability events, but do you want to know some best practices?

Best Sustainable Events Practices and Suppliers

Choosing sustainable event practices and suppliers is crucial in reducing the environmental impact of events. This includes sourcing eco-friendly materials, implementing waste reduction and recycling programs, and using renewable energy sources. When selecting suppliers, it is important to consider their sustainability practices and certifications, such as ISO 20121 for event sustainability management.

Here are the best practices that you should incorporate to make the event successful:

1. Green Venue Selection

When selecting a venue for your event, prioritize locations that have integrated sustainable practices into their operations. Look for venues with certifications such as LEED, which signifies adherence to high environmental standards in construction and operation.

Consider aspects such as energy efficiency, waste management, and water conservation. Choosing a venue with a commitment to sustainability sets the tone for an eco-friendly event and contributes to the overall reduction of environmental impact.

2. Waste Reduction and Recycling:

Implementing an effective waste management plan is crucial to minimize the ecological footprint of your event. Focus on reducing the use of single-use items and collaborate with suppliers who offer sustainable, recyclable materials for event collateral, signage, and promotional items.

Encourage recycling throughout the event and ensure proper disposal of waste. By addressing waste reduction comprehensively, you contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally responsible event.

3. Sustainable Catering and Food Choices:

Opt for catering companies that prioritize sustainable food practices. This includes sourcing locally, using organic ingredients, and choosing seasonal menus. Not only does this support local communities, but it also reduces the carbon footprint associated with food production and transportation.

To minimize food waste, accurately estimate attendance and consider donating excess edible food to local charities. By making conscious choices in catering, you contribute to the overall sustainability of the event.

4. Eco-Friendly Transportation:

Promote eco-friendly transportation options for event attendees to reduce the environmental impact of travel. Encourage the use of public transit, carpooling, biking, or walking, and provide information on sustainable transportation choices in event communications.

If feasible, consider arranging shuttle services or providing electric vehicle options for transportation to and from the venue. Additionally, explore carbon offset options for unavoidable travel to further mitigate the event’s impact on the environment.

5. Sustainable Event Technology and Supplies:

Leverage technology to reduce the environmental impact of your event. Provide digital alternatives to printed materials, such as digital programs, registration, and communication tools. Utilize QR codes for easy access to event information without the need for physical printouts.

When selecting event supplies, prioritize suppliers that offer sustainable and ethically sourced materials for banners, signage, and promotional items. Opt for energy-efficient audiovisual equipment and lighting to minimize energy consumption during the event. By incorporating these sustainable practices, you can ensure that your event aligns with environmental and social responsibility.

With these best practices, companies can create a positive impact and inspire others to do the same.

Now it’s time to measure the impact of your sustainability event.

Measure and Evaluate the Success of your Sustainability Strategy

Here’s how you can measure the success of your sustainable event to understand the impact of your efforts and identify improvement areas:

  • Establish a Strong Sustainability Strategy: Once you’ve developed a robust sustainability strategy for your event, effective communication becomes essential for engaging attendees, sponsors, and the broader community.
  • Transparent and Authentic Communication: Transparency and authenticity are crucial for building trust and garnering support for your sustainability initiatives.
  • Incorporate Sustainability Messaging: Start by weaving sustainability messages into your event marketing materials. Highlight your commitment in invitations, promotional emails, and social media posts.
  • Use Compelling Visuals and Language: Utilize engaging visuals and language to convey the significance of your sustainability efforts and educate attendees on how they can contribute.
  • Create Opportunities for Engagement: During the event, provide opportunities for attendees to learn and engage with sustainability initiatives. Set up educational booths or displays showcasing the event’s environmental impact and ways attendees can reduce their carbon footprint.
  • Offer Incentives: Encourage sustainable actions by offering incentives such as discounts or rewards. For example, incentivize the use of reusable water bottles or carpooling.
  • Leverage Digital Platforms: Extend your sustainability message beyond the event using digital platforms. Share post-event updates and success stories on social media, blogs, and newsletters.
  • Partner with Influencers: Consider collaborating with influencers or sustainability advocates to amplify your message to a wider audience.
  • Inspire Action: Leverage the power of digital communication to inspire others to take action and contribute to sustainability efforts.

And here comes the trends.

Sustainability Events Trends

As we wrap up our exploration of sustainable events, let’s take a glance at the trends shaping the future of eco-conscious gatherings:

  1. Going Carbon Neutral: Events are actively working towards not just reducing but offsetting their carbon footprint for a net-zero impact.
  2. Circular Event Design: Embracing circular practices, events are minimizing waste through reusable materials and innovative recycling solutions.
  3. Virtual and Hybrid Experiences: The rise of virtual and hybrid events is reducing travel and promoting paperless communication, aligning with eco-friendly principles.
  4. Sustainable Tech Integration: Technology is aiding sustainability, with digital platforms and smart energy systems reducing resource consumption.
  5. Biodiversity and Nature Themes: Events are gravitating towards venues that celebrate and preserve natural environments, incorporating nature-inspired themes.
  6. Inclusive Sustainability: Sustainability now extends beyond the environment, embracing social responsibility, fair labor practices, and community engagement.
  7. Sustainable Food Choices: Catering goes beyond local and organic, embracing plant-based and zero-waste menus as a hallmark of eco-conscious events.
  8. Transparent Reporting: Transparent reporting on sustainability efforts is becoming standard, offering clear insights into events’ environmental and social impact.
  9. Green Certifications: Events are seeking recognition through green certifications, validating their commitment to eco-friendly practices.
  10. Stakeholder Collaboration: Collaboration among organizers, sponsors, vendors, and communities is amplifying the impact of sustainability initiatives.

In essence, these trends signal not just a momentary shift but a fundamental transformation in how we approach events. By embracing these practices, we stride towards events that not only impress but also contribute positively to the planet and society. Let’s continue innovating and collaborating for a future where every event is a sustainable success.

Create Your Sustainability Event Strategy Today – Know More Here

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The banner image of the blog on the topic, Explore how strategic meeting management in healthcare sector works

Explore How Strategic Meetings Management in Healthcare Sector Works

In the ever-evolving landscape of the healthcare sector, where precision and collaboration are paramount, the role of strategic decision-making cannot be overstated.

As healthcare professionals navigate the complexities of patient care, research advancements, and industry regulations, the need for a systematic approach to meetings and conferences becomes increasingly apparent.

That’s where Strategic Meetings Management (SMM) in healthcare becomes a game-changing paradigm. It has emerged as a beacon of efficiency and effectiveness in the healthcare realm.

But do you know what exactly SMM is and how it can benefit you in the healthcare industry?

Let’s explore them here.

What is Strategic Meetings Management in Healthcare?

An image showing what is strategic meetings management in healthcare

Strategic Meetings Management is a smart and organized way of handling meetings and conferences within a company. 

It means standardized processes, tech-savvy solutions, and ongoing improvements tailored to your specific role. It’s not just about managing meetings; it’s about enhancing your impact within the organization. Whether you’re handling details, balancing budgets, or setting the strategic direction, SMM is your partner in ensuring each meeting contributes to the organization’s success.

But why is it important in the healthcare industry?

Importance of Strategic Meetings Management in Healthcare Organizations

Strategic meetings management in healthcare sector is crucial due to its potential to bring about transformative improvements in various aspects of the industry. Here are key reasons why it is crucial:

  • It helps professionals work together more effectively, improving communication for better patient care.
  • In a budget-sensitive field, SMM ensures meetings are cost-effective, using resources wisely to meet organizational goals.
  • It ensures that meetings follow regulations, reducing legal risks and keeping organizations within industry guidelines.
  • It aligns meetings with the overall strategy, helping leaders make informed decisions that positively impact patient care.
  • It adapts to changes in a dynamic sector, ensuring the meeting process stays relevant and effective.
  • It organizes training sessions, conferences, and seminars, promoting ongoing learning for professionals.

In essence, SMM is more than just a process—it’s a strategic approach that enhances collaboration, efficiency, and patient outcomes.

But there are certain challenges that you can face in this industry.

Key Challenges

In the healthcare sector, effective communication and collaboration are crucial for success. However, organizations often face numerous challenges in this regard. To address these challenges and drive positive change, strategic meeting management plays a pivotal role.

1. Technology Integration

The rapid evolution of healthcare technology poses challenges in integrating new systems with existing infrastructure, impacting seamless communication and data sharing.

2. Data Security and Privacy

With the increasing digitization of healthcare records, safeguarding patient data against breaches and ensuring compliance with privacy regulations are persistent challenges.

3. Workforce Shortages

Shortages of skilled healthcare professionals, including nurses and physicians, create strain on their systems, leading to increased workloads and potential gaps in patient care.

4. Financial Pressures

Balancing the delivery of quality care with cost constraints is an ongoing challenge. Healthcare organizations often face financial pressures due to reimbursement changes and rising operational costs.

5. Regulatory Compliance

Adhering to a myriad of healthcare regulations and standards, including those related to billing, coding, and patient care, poses a significant challenge for healthcare providers.

6. Interoperability Issues

Inconsistent standards and lack of interoperability among healthcare systems hinder the seamless exchange of patient information between different providers and institutions.

7. Chronic Disease Management

The rising prevalence of chronic diseases presents challenges in developing effective, long-term management strategies, impacting both patient well-being and healthcare system sustainability.

8. Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration

Strategic meetings in healthcare bring experts together, creating a space for sharing knowledge and ideas. This collaboration helps you stay current with the latest advancements and promotes innovation.

9. Networking and Relationship-building

Strategic meetings let professionals connect with industry leaders, decision-makers, and influencers. This networking opportunity opens doors for collaboration and growth.

10. Driving Operational Efficiency

Strategic meeting management helps organizations improve their operations. Planning and executing meetings carefully streamline processes, cut costs, and boost overall efficiency. From choosing the venue to handling logistics, every step in SMM contributes to better operational effectiveness.

That’s about challenges, now, let’s discover how SMM transforms healthcare by exploring its key benefits, enhancing collaboration, and making operations more efficient.

Benefits of Implementing Strategic Meetings Management

Following are the benefits that you can leverage while implementing SMM:

  • Cost Savings in Healthcare Operations: Controlling costs is critical. SMM enables informed decision-making regarding venue selection, travel expenses, and other meeting-related costs, contributing to overall cost savings within the organizations.
  • Ensured Regulatory Compliance: SMM helps healthcare organizations navigate complex regulations, ensuring that meetings and conferences adhere to compliance standards. This reduces the risk of legal issues and reinforces a commitment to patient safety and regulatory requirements.
  • Strategic Decision-Making for Leaders: SMM aligns meetings with healthcare organizational goals, providing leaders with the insights needed for strategic planning. This strategic alignment enhances decision-making processes in healthcare management.
  • Professional Development Opportunities: Through well-organized healthcare conferences and events, SMM contributes to the professional development of teams. Attendees gain access to learning opportunities, networking with peers, and staying updated on medical advancements.
  • Positive Stakeholder Relationships: SMM helps build and strengthen relationships with key stakeholders in the healthcare sector, including patients, medical partners, and industry influencers.
  • Adaptability to Evolving Healthcare Environments: SMM’s adaptability allows healthcare organizations to navigate changes in the its landscape, staying responsive to emerging trends, technological advancements, and evolving patient care practices.

And now comes the tips for you to use.

Request a demo to explore JTB Connect for SMM

Best Practices for Strategic Meetings Management in Healthcare

Following these straightforward practices ensures that strategic meetings management in healthcare is an effective strategy contributing to better patient care and overall organizational success:

  • Clear Objectives: Clearly state the purpose of each meeting and connect it to overall healthcare goals.
  • Cross-functional collaboration: Encourage teamwork among healthcare professionals from different areas.
  • Effective Technology Use: Use technology wisely for planning, communication, and secure data sharing.
  • Comprehensive Agenda Planning: Plan meetings with detailed agendas, focusing on relevant healthcare topics.
  • Strategic Venue Selection: Choose accessible and well-equipped venues, considering virtual options.
  • Data Security Measures: Implement strong data security to protect patient information.
  • Regular Evaluation and Improvement: Get feedback after meetings to improve the process continually.
  • Cost Management: Control costs by exploring cost-effective alternatives and managing expenses.
  • Compliance Adherence: Stay informed about healthcare regulations and design meetings to comply.
  • Promote Continuous Learning: Include educational components for ongoing professional development.
  • Communication and Transparency: Encourage open communication and be transparent about meeting goals and outcomes.
  • Leadership Involvement: Involve healthcare leadership actively in meeting planning and execution.

Now that you’ve learned the best practices, explore some training and certification programs to get the upper hand in this sector.

Training and Certification for Strategic Meetings Management Professionals in Healthcare

Alt text: An infographic image showing 4 Training and Certification for Strategic Meetings Management Professionals in Healthcare; Certification in Meeting Management (CMM), Certified Meeting Professional (CMP), Healthcare Meeting Compliance Certificate (HMCC), and Continuous Professional Development (CPD)

To excel in strategic management in meetings in the healthcare sector, professionals can benefit from specialized training and certification programs.

1. Certification in Meeting Management (CMM)

Offered by Meeting Professionals International (MPI), the CMM is a globally recognized certification that validates expertise in strategy meeting management. The program includes specialized modules addressing healthcare-specific considerations.

2. Certified Meeting Professional (CMP)

The Certified Meeting Professional designation is a globally recognized certification for meeting professionals. This certification validates the knowledge and skills required to plan and execute successful meetings. Healthcare professionals can pursue this certification to enhance their expertise in strategic meeting management.

3. Healthcare Meeting Compliance Certificate (HMCC)

The Healthcare Meeting Compliance Certificate program focuses on regulatory compliance and best practices specific to this industry. This certification equips professionals with the necessary knowledge to navigate the complex regulatory landscape and ensure compliance in strategic meetings management.

4. Continuous Professional Development (CPD)

CPD is vital for healthcare meeting professionals, increasing their chances of leading successful and innovative meetings by 30%. Organizations like the Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association offer workshops, conferences, and online courses for ongoing learning.

And here’s a compelling case study of Memorial Healthcare System, where the implementation of strategic meetings management training resulted in a 25% reduction in meeting-related compliance issues. This success is attributed to the integration of real-world case studies and simulations into their training programs, providing professionals with practical experience.

With that, here comes key takeaways.

Key Takeaways

In essence, SMM is reshaping the way you operate in healthcare. Here are the key takeaways that signify its importance:

  • Boosting Team Collaboration: Embrace SMM to enhance collaboration among your professionals, creating a more integrated and efficient approach to patient care.
  • Efficient Resource Allocation: Implement SMM to save costs by simplifying processes, allowing you to allocate resources where they matter most—directly towards patient care.
  • Ensuring Regulatory Compliance: SMM empowers you to stay compliant with regulations, reducing the risk of legal and financial issues by maintaining transparency and organization in your meetings.
  • Informed Decision-Making Through Data: Leverage the power of SMM to make informed decisions based on real-time data insights, enabling you to identify trends and continually improve your meeting management strategies.
  • Adaptable to Change: With SMM, you gain the flexibility needed to adapt swiftly to changes in the healthcare landscape, whether it be responding to emergencies, adapting to policy shifts, or integrating new technologies.
  • Cost Saving: Strategic meetings help save money by improving processes, using technology wisely, and organizing operations efficiently. This involves getting better deals with vendors, using virtual meetings to reduce travel expenses, and adopting sustainable practices.
  • Measuring ROI: Assessing how well strategic meetings are doing is important. Organizations can track attendee satisfaction, participant engagement, business opportunities, cost per person, and the overall impact on organizational goals. By keeping an eye on these factors, organizations can use data to make informed decisions and continually improve their strategic meeting practices.

Thus, you can enhance your team’s collaboration, reduce costs, ensure compliance, facilitate data-driven decision-making, and keep your organization adaptable to dynamic healthcare environments with effective strategic meetings management.

Request a demo to explore JTB Connect for SMM

The banner image of the blog on the topic, The Ultimate Guide to Successful Corporate Event Management: Plan, Execute, and Wow Your Attendees

Your Ultimate Guide to Successful Corporate Event Management

Do you know how to make your corporate events WOW?

If not, then you’re at the right place.

No matter whether you’re organizing a conference, seminar, gala, or trade show, with this guide you can manage your event effectively.

To manage events effectively you need to have

  • Creativity Strategic thinking
  • Meticulous attention to detail.

Not just that. You also have to select the perfect venue to coordinate schedules, manage vendors, and create memorable experiences.

All these aspects play a crucial role in the success of your event.

So, how can you do it?

Learn it right here as we will take you through every step of the corporate event management process including crafting compelling event objectives, creating a targeted marketing plan, maximizing attendee engagement, and exceeding expectations along with expert tips. , and  

Let’s begin with what is a corporate event.

What is a Corporate Event?

A corporate event is a gathering organized by a company for various purposes, like promoting products, building teamwork, or celebrating achievements.

These events can take different forms, such as conferences, parties, or training sessions, and are designed to achieve specific goals for the company. Planning such events involves coordinating logistics, managing budgets, and ensuring the event aligns with the company’s objectives.

This makes successful corporate events that contribute to a positive corporate culture and strengthen relationships with clients and partners. But why is it important?

An image showing an what is a corporate event

Why Corporate Event Management is Important?

According to Statista research, in 2020, the annual revenue of the events and exhibition market in India was about 3.3 billion U.S. dollars. It is expected to reach over 6.7 billion dollars in 2026. The industry is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of 12.91% during the period between 2021 and 2026.

This statistic highlights that corporate event management is crucial for businesses because it helps in:

  1. Building Brand Image: Well-organized events showcase the brand positively.
  2. Networking: Events bring together industry professionals, clients, and partners for valuable connections.
  3. Employee Engagement: Internal events boost employee morale and commitment.
  4. Product Promotion: Events provide a platform for launching and promoting products.
  5. Knowledge Sharing: Conferences and workshops facilitate the exchange of industry insights and best practices.
  6. Client Relationships: Face-to-face interactions at events strengthen relationships with clients.
  7. Market Research: Events offer opportunities to gather feedback and insights from customers.
  8. Employee Recognition: Events provide a chance to recognize and reward employee achievements.
  9. Competitive Edge: Successful events can set a business apart from competitors.
  10. Public Relations: Well-executed events attract media attention, contributing to positive public relations.

Also, events allow you to gather valuable feedback and insights from attendees. This helps you to understand what your target audience needs and accordingly, you can improve your products, services, and overall customer experience.

Now that you know the importance of managing your events effectively, let’s glance at key factors here.

10 Key Elements of Corporate Event Management

Before diving into the nitty-gritty of event planning, it’s important to understand the key elements that contribute to successful event management.

1. Objective

Why are you conducting the corporate event?

Do you want to generate leads, increase brand awareness, or educate your audience?

By having the answer to these questions you get a clear understanding of your objective. This will guide your decision-making process throughout the planning and execution stages.

2. Budget

Another key factor is establishing a realistic budget. Yes, when it comes to budget you should also take into account all the expenses associated with your event, including venue rental, catering, marketing, and staff. Allocating your budget wisely will help you prioritize your spending and ensure that you stay within your financial limits.

3. Timeline

Create a detailed timeline that outlines all the tasks and deadlines leading up to the event. This will help you stay organized and ensure that you complete each task on time.

4. Team

Assemble a team of dedicated professionals who can help you bring your event to life. Delegate responsibilities and ensure that each team member understands their role and responsibilities.

5. Venue

Selecting the RIGHT venue is crucial to the success of your event. Consider factors such as location, capacity, amenities, and accessibility when making your decision.

6. Vendors

From catering services to audiovisual equipment, finding reliable and trustworthy vendors is essential. Research and compare multiple options before making your final selections.

7. Marketing

Develop a comprehensive marketing plan to promote your event and attract attendees. Use various channels such as social media, email marketing, and online advertising to reach your target audience.

8. Logistics

Pay close attention to logistics such as event registration, transportation, and accommodation. Ensure that your attendees have a seamless experience from start to finish.

9. Engagement

Create opportunities for attendee engagement throughout your event. This can include interactive sessions, networking activities, or gamification elements that encourage participation.

10. Evaluation

After the event, evaluate its success by gathering feedback from attendees and analyzing key performance metrics. This will help you identify areas of improvement for future events.

By considering these key elements and implementing them into your event planning process, you can execute a successful event.

But that’s not all.

To successfully manage your corporate event you should

  • Choose the right venue and vendors
  • Develop strategies for promotions and marketing
  • Manage logistics and registrations

Now you must be wondering how to do it, right?

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How To Effectively Manage Your Corporate Event?

Here’s how you can execute each above-mentioned factors efficiently.

1. Choosing the Right Venue and Vendors

An image showing multiple choices of selecting the event venue as per the purpose of your corporate event

One of the most critical decisions you have to make while planning an event is choosing the right venue and vendors.

To select the right venue you should

  • Think about what your event needs – a big or cozy space. Consider how many people it can hold, how it’s set up, and if it’s easy to get to.
  • Pick a place that’s easy for your guests to reach, with simple transportation and parking. Check if it’s close to hotels and restaurants.
  • Keep an eye on your budget. Know all the costs, including extra fees. Talk to the place and see if you can get a good deal.
  • Read what others say about the place. Look for good reviews about the space, the staff, and past events. It helps you decide if it’s the right choice.

To choose the right vendors you should:

  • Research and compare different options for services like food, audiovisual stuff, decorations, and fun things. Ask them for plans or prices so you can compare.
  • Check references and reviews by talking to people who used these helpers before and reading what others say online. Make sure the helpers are trustworthy and do a good job for events like yours.
  • Pick helpers who ensure quality work without going over your budget. They should also be flexible for any last-minute changes that might come up.
  • The helpers should communicate with you well and be quick to respond. Make sure they understand what you need for your event.

Always get a contract with your helpers. It should say what they’ll do, how much it costs, and what happens if you need to cancel. Check they have insurance in case something unexpected happens.

2. Corporate Event Promotion and Marketing Strategies

No matter how well-planned your event is, it won’t be a success if nobody knows about it. Effective event promotion and marketing strategies are essential to attract attendees and create buzz around your event. Here are some strategies to consider:

  • Set Clear Goals: Clearly define what you want to achieve with your event, like networking or launching a product. This will guide your promotion.
  • Know Your Audience: Identify the people you want to attend and tailor your messages to their interests. Consider their demographics and professional characteristics.
  • Build a Strong Brand: Create a memorable brand for your event with a catchy logo, tagline, and key messages that show why it’s worth attending.
  • Use Online Platforms: Spread the word through social media, email, and your website. Share engaging content about speakers, agenda, and event features.
  • Create a Website: Make a user-friendly event website with essential details. Optimize it for search engines to increase visibility.
  • Email Campaign: Reach out to potential attendees, sponsors, and stakeholders with personalized emails. Share updates, exclusive offers, and deadlines.
  • Partner with Influencers: Collaborate with industry influencers or partners to expand your reach and add credibility to your event.
  • Early-Bird Offers: Encourage early registrations with special discounts and limited-time promotions.
  • Paid Advertising: Invest in online ads on platforms like Google Ads and social media. Target professionals in your industry and location.
  • Content Marketing: Create valuable content related to your event, like blog posts or webinars, to engage attendees and promote your event.
  • Spread Good Word-of-Mouth: Encourage attendees to share their excitement on social media using a unique event hashtag to facilitate conversations.
  • Measure Results: Use tracking tools to measure success. Analyze registration numbers, website traffic, and social media engagement to refine your strategy for future events.

Note:  Effective event promotion requires a multi-channel approach. By utilizing a combination of online and offline marketing strategies, you can increase your event’s reach and attract a diverse and engaged audience.

3. Manage Logistics and Registrations

An image showing the apt management of logistics and registration to effectively manage an event

Another critical aspect of successful corporate event management is – Managing logistics and registrations.

All you just have to do is:

  • Save an average of 223 hours per year by opting for corporate event management software or online registration platforms with customizable forms, ticketing options, and attendee data management.
  • Streamline the registration process to be simple and intuitive, minimizing steps and required information. Provide multiple registration options like online, phone, or in-person.
  • Identify essential attendee information needed during registration, such as contact details and dietary preferences.

After knowing how to effectively manage your business events. It’s time to unravel secret tips to leverage your events.

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11 Tips for Executing a Successful Corporate Event

Several tips for you to leverage corporate events:

  1. Form a dedicated team that shares your vision and delegates tasks for efficient execution.
  2. Maintain consistent branding with logos, colors, and fonts across signage, materials, and decor for a professional look.
  3. Engage your attendees with interactive elements like live polls, Q&A sessions, and networking activities.
  4. Ensure smooth logistics by testing technical aspects like AV equipment and internet connectivity, addressing any issues in advance.
  5. Offer great customer service by prioritizing attendee experience with friendly and responsive staff from arrival to the event’s end.
  6. Hire a photographer and videographer to capture key moments for marketing and attendee memories.
  7. Select unique venues like art galleries or historical landmarks for an exclusive touch.
  8. Use cutting-edge tech like virtual reality or interactive displays to engage and amaze attendees.
  9. Add some surprise performances or exceptional speakers aligned with your event’s theme.
  10. Create immersive experiences with themed decorations, lighting, and props for lasting memories.
  11. Impress attendees with personalized bags and giveaways that align with the event theme.

That’s how you create memorable and unique events. So, think outside the box, and let your creativity shine.

But wait, do you know what you are going to do after your event is over?

Measure the Success & Impact of Your Event

Once your event is over, you should evaluate its success and measure the impact it has on your attendees and your organization. Here are some key metrics and methods to consider when evaluating your event:

  • Collect Attendee Feedback: Seek input from your attendees using surveys or evaluations to understand what aspects went well and identify areas for improvement. After the event,  66% of event managers engage in post-event communication through thank-you emails.
  • Track Social Media: Keep an eye on social media for posts, comments, and shares related to your event. Look at likes, comments, and impressions to see how far your event reached.
  • Evaluate Financial Success: Check if your event was financially successful by comparing costs with benefits. Calculate the ROI using factors like ticket sales, sponsorships, and additional revenue.
  • Check Media Coverage: See how much media attention your event got by tracking mentions in newspapers, magazines, online articles, and blogs. Evaluate the reach and sentiment to understand the impact on your brand.
  • Review After the Event: Analyze your event after it’s over to find strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This will help you improve your event strategy for future events.

By evaluating and measuring the success of your event, you gain valuable insights that inform your future event-planning efforts. So, analyze the data and feedback to continuously improve and deliver exceptional experiences.

And there comes the conclusion of the entire blog.

To Wrap Up,

There is no doubt that successful corporate event management demands careful planning and flawless execution. From initial ideas to the event’s conclusion, every detail matters for a memorable experience. That’s why if you want a seamless and impactful corporate event in India, consider partnering with JTB India. 

With a reputation for delivering exceptional corporate experiences, JTB India brings together creativity, precision, and professionalism. Whether you’re organizing a conference, product launch, or team-building event, JTB India becomes your reliable ally in transforming ordinary events into extraordinary moments.

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