5 Event Trends to Implement in 2024 for Your Event Success

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Nowadays, staying updated with current event trends is crucial for event planners and organisers to remain competitive and deliver memorable experiences. The events industry has experienced rapid evolution in recent years, driven by advancements in technology, shifts in consumer preferences and the emergence of new event formats. As a result, understanding and embracing the latest trends in event management has become essential for success.

95% of marketers believe that in-person events can help achieve business goals. This highlights that from virtual and hybrid events to sustainability initiatives and personalised experiences, trends shape the way events are planned, executed and experienced by attendees.

In this blog, we’ll delve into the current event trends reshaping the event management industry and explore how event planners can leverage these trends to create impactful and memorable events. By understanding and incorporating these trends into event strategies, organisers can stay ahead of the curve and deliver exceptional events that resonate with attendees. Let’s explore the current trends in event management and their implications for the industry’s future.

Event Trend #1: Personalization

An image showing the first trend in event management about creating personalised events

Who doesn’t love walking into an event where everything feels just right and everyone connects effortlessly?

Personalising events is a classic trend in event management that’s universally loved. It’s all about crafting experiences that truly matter and engage attendees. Event planners are increasingly honing in on tailoring event content, schedules and networking opportunities to match each attendee’s preferences, interests and demographics.

According to a report by Cvent, 59% globally said they would like to receive recommendations on sessions to attend based on their interests and past attendance. This underscores the growing emphasis placed on creating customised event experiences. By leveraging attendee data and preferences, organisers can deliver tailored content and recommendations that resonate with each attendee on a personal level.

There are several tools and tactics available for implementing personalised event strategies. Event management platforms equipped with robust attendee profiling and segmentation capabilities enable organisers to collect and analyse data to understand attendee preferences better. 

From personalised agendas and session recommendations to curated networking opportunities and content recommendations, these platforms empower organisers to create truly personalised experiences for each attendee. JTB India is an expert in strategic meetings management and corporate event planning and excels in delivering personalised event experiences tailored to the unique requirements of each client. 

Leveraging its expertise in event management and strategic planning, JTB India helps organisations create bespoke events that resonate with attendees and drive meaningful engagement. With a focus on innovation and excellence, JTB India is committed to elevating the corporate event experience through personalised strategies and flawless execution.

Event Trend #2: Sustainability Initiatives

An image showing event trend 2 sustainability initiatives in event management

Sustainability is now a top priority in event planning, driven by the need to minimise environmental impact. Event organisers are increasingly adopting eco-friendly practices to reduce waste and promote sustainability.

For example, virtual events have been shown to drastically cut carbon emissions, with estimates suggesting a reduction of up to 99%. This demonstrates the significant environmental benefits of embracing virtual and hybrid event formats.

To implement sustainability initiatives, organisers can focus on reducing single-use plastics, implementing recycling programs, and using digital technologies to minimise paper usage. JTB India leads the way in promoting sustainability in event planning. They help organisations adopt eco-friendly practices, from selecting sustainable venues to reducing waste. Partnering with JTB India allows organisations to showcase their commitment to sustainability while hosting impactful and environmentally conscious events.

Event Trend #3: Hybrid Event Management: The Future of Events

An image showing the third event trend about hybrid event management, the future of events

Hybrid events revolutionise event planning by blending physical and virtual elements for dynamic experiences. Attendees enjoy the flexibility to join in person or online, boosting engagement and accessibility.

These events are gaining traction for their ability to cater to diverse preferences and overcome logistical challenges. 92% of event professionals plan to incorporate virtual elements into their future events, highlighting the growing popularity and significance of hybrid event management. Major businesses like Apple and Google have successfully adopted hybrid approaches for product launches and conferences, combining the best of both worlds.

While virtual components offer convenience, in-person interactions remain vital for deeper engagement and networking. Data reveals that 86% of event programs include in-person events, and 89% of event leaders see them as crucial for revenue.

Hybrid events are reshaping event management, offering scalability and impactful experiences to a global audience. Let’s now delve into the trend of global events to understand their significance in shaping the industry’s future.

Event Trend #4: Embracing Cultural Diversity in Global Events

An image showing the fourth event trend in event management, embracing in-person global event

More than half of people prefer attending a hybrid event in person rather than virtually. In today’s world, global events bring people from all over, to celebrate different cultures. Event planners need to recognize this diversity to make everyone feel included.

There are different ways to include cultural elements in events, like music, dance, or food from different cultures. This makes the event more interesting and enjoyable for everyone.

When organisers embrace cultural diversity, they create experiences that connect with people on a deeper level. JTB India can help with this. With its big network and lots of event services, JTB India is great at helping organisations include cultural diversity in their events.

JTB India has connections to over 10,000 hotels worldwide, so they can find the perfect venue for any event. Plus, their platform, JTB Connect, makes it easy to add cultural elements to events, making them unforgettable for people from all over the world.

With JTB India’s help, organisations can make sure their events are meaningful and enjoyable for everyone, no matter where they’re from.

An image showing the CTA to create exceptional corporate events and meetings with JTB India

Event Trend #5: Data-Driven Decision Making

An image showing event trend number 5, data-driven decision-making

Data analytics is super important in event planning.  The global event management software market was worth about USD 6.97 billion by the end of 2022. That’s a big number! And as per a report by Grand View Research it’s expected to keep growing at 12.5% every year by 2030. Why? Because people want data-driven insights more and more.

Using data from attendees helps event planners make better decisions. They can make the event experience more personal for everyone. With data, planners can improve lots of things, like how they advertise, plan sessions, and use resources.

For example, if they see attendees like certain types of sessions, they can schedule more of those. And if they know what attendees want, they can set up the venue in a way that makes them happy. This makes attendees enjoy the event more and helps the organisers meet their goals.

Through JTB Connect, event planners can gather real-time data on attendee interactions, track key performance indicators, and measure ROI. This comprehensive approach enables organisations to make informed decisions at every stage of the event lifecycle, driving success and innovation in the industry.


Staying updated with current event trends is crucial for driving success in 2024 and beyond. The events industry is evolving rapidly, and embracing innovative trends is essential to stay ahead of the curve. By incorporating trends like personalization, sustainability, hybrid event management, cultural diversity, and data-driven decision-making, event planners can create memorable experiences that resonate with attendees and drive meaningful outcomes.

At JTB India, we understand the importance of staying ahead of the curve in event management. With our innovative solutions and global network of partners, we empower organisers to execute successful events that leave a lasting impression. Whether you’re planning a corporate conference, trade show or virtual summit, our team is here to support you at every step of the way.

An image showing the CTA to create exceptional corporate events and meetings with JTB India

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